American Red Jujube Dates
Whole Jujube Dates (Ziziphus jujuba)*
*Certified Organic Whole Jujube Fruits
These certified American
Red Jujube dates have been used for thousands of years as a longevity superfruit. Oe of the most underrated of all tonic herbs, Jujube prove to be one of the most powerful and supreme tonic foods available. A powerful Qi tonic, Jujube aids in digestion and helps strengthen the spleen and stomach, soothe the heart, build the blood and works as a harmonizing agent when mixed with other herbs. Jujube works to build the Qi of the body, nourish the blood, relax the nerves, calm and sharpen the mind – while also being known as a beneficial sleep tonic. Our Jujube are grown by our partner in the USA in the beautiful dry heat of the desert where the Jujube thrive on several acres of certified organic farmland. We are proud to offer this legendary tonic food to you with a level of quality never before seen in the world of Jujube – a sweet and delicious flavourful gift from the domestic desert soil. Conveniently add to any tea blend or eat straight from the bag – ENJOY!
Suggestions for use:
Eat 1-3 dates per day – OR – make a ‘tea’ by adding 1-3 dates per litre of boiling water. Add other herbs you desire to make a ‘tea blend’ or leave plain for an enjoyable sweet malty tasting tea. Rip apart each dates and decoct (simmer) for 10-30mins. Once soft, mash with a fork for a sweeter taste and strain into a clean vessel for drinking. Drink alone or use as a base to your favourite smoothie or elixir – hot or cold. Enjoy!
Best Jujubes EVER! Simmer them in a pot with NEO’s ginger powder, Goji berries and astragalus powder and end up with a delicious, revitalizing and defensive tea! Or just eat them and enjoy the pillowy sweetness.
Great quality product! Very tasty and big !
Wild texture but very delicious!